Focus on the Vessel
An integral part of maritime management is the regular inspection of maritime vessels to ensure that they meet the highest standards.
Reasons for vessel surveys can be varied, depending on whose interests are represented.
Vessel surveys are a comprehensive process covering various aspects, including condition surveys, appraisal surveys and stability certificates, in order to be able to initiate further necessary steps.
Our service
Condition survey
The condition survey focuses on the general condition of a vessel including the inspection of the visible (super)structures, working surfaces, decks as well as the propulsion system and other important components. The aim is to determine the current condition and identify possible weak points.
Value appraisal
A value appraisal aims to determine the current market value of a ship taking into account factors such as age, equipment, maintenance history and general market conditions. This type of investigation is crucial for buyers, sellers, insurers and financial institutions (e.g. to determine the overall situation of a market).
Proof of stability
The stability survey is particularly important to ensure that a vessel remains stable under various conditions involving analyzing the geometric and weight characteristics of the vessel to ensure compliance with stability criteria.
Hull and machinery survey
This inspection refers to the hull and machinery of the ship. Hull inspections check the condition of the hull, while machinery inspections check the main and auxiliary machinery and other components for functionality or possible damage.
"P&I" (Protection and Indemnity) survey
This type of survey focuses on the liability and indemnity aspects of a vessel’s operation. Here, among other measures, safety standards, liability insurance and compliance with international regulations are examined.
Investigation / Ascertainment of damages
In a casualty incident, surveyors conduct (damage) investigations to determine cause and extent of an incident/damage. These investigations are crucial for insurance claims as well as for improving safety practices.
The various types of vessel surveys are essential to ensure the seaworthiness, safety and value of vessels. These surveys help to identify potential risks, ensure compliance with regulations and provide a solid foundation for the safe and efficient operation of vessels.